Thursday 24 November 2011

How the Journey Ends

     In the poem “Aging” written by Michelle Disser the author uses an extended metaphor to describe how “aging is a continual process.”  Disser describes how time never slows down because “you are [even] older now than when you started reading this [paragraph].” Disser portrays the poem as “a panther stalking you” to illustrate how aging is never put on hold. As you age, the days, weeks, months and even years start to feel as if they are shorter-lived and Disser describes this feeling by comparing it to the panther “coming too quickly.”  The last line of the poem is delivered very strongly in showing that when the panther “pounces”, that is where your journey ends. This is all proof in saying the theme of the poem is, always live life in the moment and not be afaid of growing old

Thursday 10 November 2011

Dying in the Name of Leonardo

Nicalette McCrae

117 Oak Ave
Kaleden, B.C.
V0H1K0 November 10, 2011

Constable Pierre Catchacrook
Chief of Police 

123 Crime Road,
Paris, France.

Dear Constable Pierre Catchacrook,

They said she was able to utter a few words before she died. Of course I wouldn’t have known that, because I was off with the Mona Lisa the minute I heard the fire alarm sound. Some could call me insensitive or even thoughtless based on what I had decided that day. If it was humanly possible to carry both Mrs. Artlover and the incredibly famous Mona Lisa out of the Museum together, it would have been the first thing I did. This 509 year old, beautiful painting is a living legend to humanity. The emptiness that not only the museum would feel but the world would experience if the Mona Lisa was to be destroyed would be my responsibility. I would have to live with the guilt the whole world would burden me with everyday for the rest of my life. From the time I had to connect with Mrs. Artlover before the museum was engulfed with flames, made me believe, if Mrs. Artlove could speak to us now she would be grateful that her life was taken in return of saving the renowned Mona Lisa. Mrs. Artlover’s name will always live on with the famous painting, she would be proud to die in Leonardo Da Vinci’s name.

Nicalette McCrae