Tuesday 4 June 2013


"They said, i was lucky. but at that time i felt i had more in common with the dead girl than i did wwith the large, beefy police officers or my stunned freshman year girlfriends."

Lucky, an exhilarating, and grusome novel written by alice sebold, tells the story of herself, a rape victim. alice speaks of how her life dirastically changedafter being brutaly raped and beaten in the park near her colage campus. Sebold expresses as a survivor, "you [either] save yourself, or remain unsaved", meaning only you have the power to heal yourself. The strength Sebold had to display so far through out the novel is the the main theme. The fact that alice is anle to write of her personal life in such detail shows the strength she must have had to overcome her experience. Alice tells in her actions writtenthat she beleives is you truely want to heal you will have the strength to do so. This novel has shown me as a reader that strength is within you, and only you can decide your fate.