Monday 2 January 2012

Live Life to the Fullest

       His wife’s like was at stake After Mrs. Mitty came out of the drugstore, they climbed into their automobile; Walter fastened his seat belt, turned on the windscreen wipers and carefully pulled away from the curb. As they drove out of Waterbury he noticed his wife’s face go as white as a ghost, and he body curl into a small ball.  Mitty then realized what was happening; his beloved wife was having a heart attack.  Mitty now understood life is not all fun and games; his wife’s life was at stake.  Mitty began to sweat bullets. Walter was scared out of his wits.  The fear of losing his wife set in and he started to drive like a bat out of hell, rushing to get to the hospital.  Nothing else mattered to Walter at that moment as if his love for his wife was blind and he was oblivious to the world around him.  Walter knew that laughter is the best medicine, so he tried his best to make his wife’s mind fill with laughter.  Walter felt his wife was worth her weight in gold because he loved her so much.  As they arrived to the hospital Walter felt as if he was caught between a rock and a hard place because he had to decide between leaving to get help and staying with his wife.  Luckily a nurse saw the fear in Walters eyes and rushed to get help.  Walter could feel the burden of knowing this was a matter of life or death.  As he watched his wife being rushed away on a stretcher he felt a sigh of relief overcome him because he knew she was in good hands.  Today felt like the first day of the rest of Walter’s life.  Walter knew life was too short and wanted to be sure of spending the rest of it to the fullest with his wife.  Walter knew his wife had to fight for her life, and that’s exactly what she did.  Walter and his wife were both as happy as a clam as they left the hospital knowing they were both safe, and ready to live life to the fullest.
On The Inside




The echoing sound that filled the black room

I had no recollection of where I was, or how I had got there

The ground I lay on feels like saliva

Suddenly a loud ROAR shocks my ears like thunder

The darkness seemed to have life to it

I can feel the ground I lay rise and fall, like inhalation and exhalation




I could feel a



                                        like substance dripping from above

A horrendous smell filled my sinuses, the smell of decay

Suddenly the ground began to shake like an earthquake

Fear began to settle in and doubt filled my mind

My body felt numb as if I was experiencing hypothermia

             Hypothermia was impossible

As the environment I was in felt humid and hot

A bitter taste of salty air filled my mouth like an ocean breeze

It loomed in front of me…

Almost like a light in a tunnel, an opening of brightness appeared in the distance

The light was  framed  with a razor sharp border, filled by a pink base

It was like the inside of an animal

And it then dawned on me where I was.