Friday 9 September 2011

In The Wrong Year

Confused, scared, and not knowing where I am. Looking around me and everything seems so different, yet familiar. I'm not home, not even in the right year for that matter. Horses, cowboys, and women in beautiful dresses that long to the ground. My heart starts beating so hard it feels like my chest is going to explode. I can feel the pounding all the way to my ears. Then suddenly the sound of a gun shot brings me back to full attention. I start to run, not knowing where I am or where I plan on going. Finally I find myself in a saloon. The smell of stale beer and smelly men surrounds me. The music is high, and so is the energy. Couples dancing and smiling. I am then dragged on to the dance floor by a very tall man. In the middle of a dip to the floor I am dropped and my head hits the ground. I then awake in my bed, in my home, and in the right year.

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