Friday 17 May 2013

English 12

Who am I?

            I am organized yet scattered. I am smart though my grades don’t reflect it. I am interesting yet boring. I am all of these things at the same time. It is hard to describe myself as having one personality or trait. I organize my life in a planner but somehow always seem scattered. I leave things to the last minute like your typical teenager. I take on too many things at once and try my best not to fail. I yell at my mother and I come home after curfew. I tell secrets and keep them. I do things my parents wouldn’t be proud of if they knew. I curse at times. I call in sick when really I am hung over. I listen to music my mother may not approve of. My love for my family is endless though at times I say I hate them. My sister is my best friend. I confide in her and she knows all my deepest secrets. My brother is my protector. He will defend me always. My father is my guardian. He watches over me from a far. My mother is my savior and teacher. She holds me when I cry and teaches me right from wrong. I cry into my pillow and I slam my door when I don’t get what I want. I dream of the future and reflect on my past. I make mistakes and learn from them. The most important thing in my life is me.

I am your average American teenager.

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